The 12 Legendary Labours

of Hercules

Teambuilding 3.0. Get to know each other better and work together. Diversity is key.

Why participate?
- This is not an obstacle run. Nor about muscles and testosterone.
- The 12 Team games are fun and accessible to all. Even sofa surfers can join.
- All skills are important to win the competition. Everyone feels like a hero.
- A referee, marshalls, live ranking... it feels like the team Olympics for companies

- Good food & drinks.
- Win awards
- Enjoy the famous Herculean vibe.

08.30: Herculean welcome and team registration
09:00: Team gathering in Village with Brain Challenge
10.30: Start team competition
12.15: Lunch and House Battle
13.15: Competition part 2
15.00: Snack and House Battle
15.00: Welcome C-levels for petanque
16.00: Competition part 3
16.00: World Championship CxO Pétanque
17:45: Apero and Showers
19.00: Barbecue dinner
20.30: Awards Ceremony
20.45: After-party with our resident DJ

Book here

The Games

We bring diversity into teambuilding by organizing different team games("Herculean labours") each year.

We want to make Hercules Trophy an event you look forward to each year. By changing the games, it will never be the same event as the previous one.

Each labour is unique and requires different skills to overcome them. Skills like teamwork and endurance are important for each labour you will encounter at Hercules Trophy.

hercules trophy dubai

You have questions ?

We have answers !

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